Trap MIDI Vol.1

One can tell from the first few notes that this is trap track playing. This is kinda of music, that feels in bones and blood, that can’t be mixed up with anything else.
In this pack we grab together all essential trap beats – hi-hat patterns, tuned kick drums and atmospheric synths.
Just try it and get your unique banger track. 20 Professionally produced MIDI lines, that will boost your production to the next level!

Trap MIDI Vol.1
Trap MIDI Vol.1
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Listen in action
Monster 01
Saffron 02
Saffron 03
Sinister 04
Chaplin Piano 05
Chaplin Full 06
Trap MIDI Vol.1 overview
W H A T' S I N C L U D E D

20 Professionally Produced MIDI Lines
100% Royalty-Free
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